Friday, January 2, 2009

Check that

You know how sometimes when you're writing a report your mind knows what it wants to put down on the paper but the thought process moves too fast for your fingers on the typewriter

That's what happened in a quote attributed to JSU football coach Jack Crowe in my story that appeared in today's print edition of The Star about the return of Gamecocks quarterback Ryan Perrilloux, and it might have caused a bit of confusion.

Let me clear things up.

One word made all the difference. It was a word in Crowe's quote related to Perrilloux's possible motivations for some of the inconsistencies -- academic and otherwise -- he had during the season.

The quote that appeared in the story had Crowe saying "it was more of (Perrilloux) thinking he wanted to come BACK instead of taking care of his business." What he actually said -- and it's in the notebook -- was "it was more him thinking he wanted to come OUT instead of taking care of his business."

See the difference.

Although Perrilloux often told the media he planned on coming back to JSU, people close to him have told The Star the quarterback was considering coming out for this year's draft. A report from the NFL Advisory Board indicated he would only be a fifth or sixth round pick if he did.

Perrilloux was on his way back to JSU Thursday night and is said to be committed to completing his degree here in two semesters.

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